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Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
Karupatti-1kg Our Products image
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Storage: Keep the product in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
  • Weight: 1.00kg
  • Amazon Link -  ₹490
  • You will get ₹20 supercash when you buy this product directly from here. Not applicable when you buy from Amazon.
Delivery duration:
 Tamilnadu 3-5 business days; other states 5-7 business days

Palm jaggery is wealthy in iron and it expands hemoglobin and treats sickliness whenever devoured consistently. It is wealthy in magnesium and assists with managing the sensory system. Presence of calcium assists with building and keep up with solid bones. It additionally contains potassium which helps heart wellbeing, diminishes squeezes and has a few different advantages also. It helps the invulnerable framework and hence forestalls a few blood-related and different problems.

It is a sound choice to white sugar and helps in the purifying of your absolute framework. Respiratory plots, stomach, lungs, digestion tracts, it eliminates poisons from all aspects of the body, leaving you sound.

The sap from the palm sapling is removed ably. The sap that slimes from the sapling is gathered in earthen pots. The pots are covered with slaked lime to guarantee that the sap doesn't age. The majority of this action happens among January and May.

This unfermented juice is an incredible summer drink; local people call it padaneer. In more modest towns in Southern Tamil Nadu, it's normal to see this beverage served on palm leaves that are expertly collapsed into mugs.

Udangudi is renowned for unique Karuppatti/Palm Jaggery. Karuppatti is perhaps the best sugar on the planet. Palm Jaggery is called as Karupatti. it is a well customary product arranged from palm juice(Pathani) without utilizing any synthetic compounds.

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